Social Engineering Prevention

Some baits include a physical component. For example, a hacker might place a USB stick in a public restroom stall.

A social engineer is someone who uses social skills to manipulate others into doing what he wants. He might pretend to be someone else online or attempt to befriend his target to obtain confidential information or infect him with malware attachments. A hacker can also use social engineering techniques to trick people into revealing their passwords, opening malicious files, clicking on dangerous links, downloading viruses, or installing spyware.

Prevention Tips

  • Use Password Manager to keep track of strong passwords. Passwords should contain letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Use Multifactor authentication
  • Don’t click on suspicious links. Always verify the identity of the person sending you an email before opening it.
  • Don’t share too much personal information.

More info: What are Managed Intrusion Detection Services?